Sean's Graduation and Valedictorian Speech


Sean Graduated from TNCC Educentre today as Best Student they;ve ever had and Valedictorian for 2022! The whole family, including Ah Ma attended

Walking In Ceremony

Sean was interviewed for the promo video for Educenter. Showed the next day in church too

Official Video Receiving High School Certificate

Closer video from my phone

Academic Achievement Award

Closer but shakier video from a proud dad struggling to hold in my emotions

Looks crazy, doesn't it?

Got Academic Achievement Certificate for it
He received a Best Student Certificate for that too
Official video receiving Valedictorian Certificate and Trophy as well as his Valedictorian Speech

Valedictorian Certificate
Valedictorian Trophy

My video of the award and speech

Part 2 of his speech

Throwing his mortarboard


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