These Are A Few of my Favorite Things

 We've spent tens of thousands buying toys over the years for our kids. Yet their absolute favorite toys are these weird free ones.

Hannah loves this polar bear handphone decoration.

I don't even know where we got it from, but she carries it everywhere around the house.

She absolutely won't sleep unless its somewhere around her.

Sean loves this teddy bear, his "Teddy".

I don't know where we got it, I think it came free with one of his kiddy books.

But he goes crazy unless he knows its in the same room as him before he goes to bed.

Then, there is Miffy. We got these 3 Miffy dolls free when we travelled on KLM to Jakarta a year or so ago.

They regularly fight over who gets to sleep with Miffy. Even having 3 of them, they fight over all 3.


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