The Belly Dancing Dress
This is her favorite dress, what I call her Belly Dancing Dress. Its gaudy, glittering and she absolutely must wear it whenever she sees it. She wears it everywhere, even to sleep at night (yep long fights and tantrums). If she wears it, gets dirty and has to bathe, we have a fight after her bath since she wants to wear it again. If she is wearing something else, and she sees it hanging to dry, she immediately strips down to her diapers and points at her dress In fact, its a fight every morning to dress her, since she shuns her many dresses and only looks for this dress. However, there are two cures for it. The only clothes more "powerful" than Belly Dancing dress, is Angel dress and Sam Fu
She wears it at home
She wears it in playgroup
She wears it to the park
Can't get a good picture of Angel dress as she immediately "flies" after putting it on.
This is her Sam Fu which we are hiding now. Its so slippery her buttons keep coming undone, so she runs around like a gangster, topless but wearing a vest
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